
Universities to Study Mass Communication in Malaysia

What is Mass Communication? Mass Communication, or Mass Comm, as many people are more used to calling it, is the process of distributing and exchanging information among a large number of people using mass media. Since technology has improved the efficiency of information delivery, it enables the use of a variety of mediums…
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The Future of Programming in Malaysia 2022

A computer program is essentially the command of codes written into a computer that allows it to perform specific tasks. These codes have been written by computer programmers. Therefore, everything that a computer is able to do, from searching the lyrics to your favorite song to playing a movie on Netflix, has been…
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2022 年马来西亚十大高薪行业领域

相信每位学生们在选择想要就读什么课程时,一定也有将该行业领域的就业需求和收入归类为考虑因素之一。而对于毕业后有打算继续待在马来西亚工作的学生们,你一定也想知道马来西亚薪酬最高的行业有什么?根据 FMT Media 近期的文章,我们整理出了 2022 年马来西亚十大高薪行业领域供你参考! 2022 年马来西亚十大高薪行业领域 1. 教育 你可能会对这份名单上的第一名感到惊讶!与他人相比,身处在教育行…
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Education Pathways in Malaysia after UEC

What is UEC? The United Examination Certificate (UEC) was created to standardise examinations for independent Chinese schools that use Mandarin as their primary language. However, students from Chinese independent schools still sit for all the national examinations such as PMR and SPM. The syllabus is taught alongside the school’s own Chinese programme, with…
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怎么样才算是一名律师? 大部分人对律师的印象,就是代表客户在民事或刑事审判中为他们辩护并提供证据的一方。但更准确的来说,律师的工作涉及范围很广,他们也为顾客提供其在法律上保有的权益和义务,并根据当时的法律情况为客户提供最佳的处理方式供顾客参考。 除此之外,律师还需要对该法律问题作出研究以及准备一系列的法律文件(遗嘱、契约、合同、诉讼和上诉)– 他们拥有分析法律条规和裁决的能力。 律师这…
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ACCA or CIMA: Which Course Should You Study in Malaysia?

What is ACCA & CIMA? The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is the global body for professional accountants, focusing on accounting practices and financial reporting. The organization was founded in 1906 and now it has more than 227,000 members and 544,000 students in 178 countries. Successful ACCA graduates will lead them to…
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Public Relations Degrees in Malaysia

What is Public Relations? Public Relations (PR) is a strategic communication process initiated by companies, organizations or individuals to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with stakeholders. The main objective of PR is to build and maintain a positive image of a brand or organization in the eyes of the public. Public Relations specialists…
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Entrepreneurship Degree in Malaysia

Entrepreneurship is a great way for financial freedom. However, a successful business required a lot of time, hard work and determination. Despite the risks and hardships, many entrepreneurs have started on this journey determined to build an empire for themselves as well as to fulfil the needs and demands of society. If you…
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