University of South Australia

Top Universities to Study Filmmaking in Australia

If you are someone who is into creativity, a degree in filmmaking might help you achieve your dreams of creating your own silver-screen sensation What is Filmmaking? Filmmaking degrees, as the term indicates, offer you the required abilities and expertise to help establish a future in the film industry. Filmmaking degrees usually have…
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澳州最低消费学生城市TOP 7排名

许多学生都有到澳州就读大学的梦想,但很多时候这个梦想以及念头都被昂贵的生活费和学费而打消了。但请放心,澳州其实还有一些生活费用较低的城市,以及更容易负担得起的学费,其中也包括一些被视为比较偏远的地区。不仅如此,澳洲政府允许外国学生每两周工作长达 40 小时,最低工资为每小时 19.49 澳元,你可以在学习期间通过打工来减轻经济负担。所以,先不要那么快放弃你的梦想! 以下是澳大利亚前7个最低消费的城…
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第一次世界大战初期,许多医生对“按摩疗法”持怀疑态度。但是,当时大批的士兵急需康复治疗。物理治疗师们正好借此机会,向世人展示并证明了物理治疗强大的治疗作用。到1918年底,物理治疗逐渐变得广为人知。在20世纪30年代末,“物理治疗”一词被社会各界广泛采纳与运用。 第一次世界大战之后,物理治疗传入澳大利亚,并被发扬光大。 那么,物理治疗究竟是什么?这种疗法有什么医疗作用?它又是如何帮助广大在战争中身…
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Top 10 Universities to Study Marketing Degree in Australia

Marketing is a primary field embedded in most companies and brands. If you are looking for a career in a field with diverse and vast learning opportunities, career development possibilities, and room for creativity and growth. You should consider Marketing. What is Marketing? You might be asking, but what is Marketing? Here’s our…
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Data Science vs Data Analytics: Which Degree to Study?

Data is a collection of information normally gathered through numbers or observations to be used for the analysis of trends, user behaviours or disease outbreaks. In a corporation or business, data is often gathered for marketing purposes, financial analysis or to make a better decision for the company. In today’s world, as long…
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Study Social Work in Australia

Study Social Work in Australia can be seen as a good position for those who wish to make contributions in promoting “social change and development, social cohesion and the empowerment and deliberation of people”. The social workers will support people based on the principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility, and respect for…
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