University of Nottingham Malaysia

Most Versatile Degrees

What do the most versatile degrees mean? Have you ever wondered if the degree qualification you obtain can offer you additional job opportunities beyond your core study area? Well, there’s actually a concept called the “versatile degree” that demonstrates a broad spectrum of applicability, equipping graduates with a diverse skill set and knowledge…
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Common Misconceptions About Marketing

What are your first thoughts when you hear the word “marketing”? Perhaps it may be a seller, property agent, insurance agent and so on. You may also hear that a marketing degree isn’t required if you want to work in the industry, and that even non-graduates can be successful marketers, but is this…
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Top Private Universities for Finance Courses in Malaysia

It’s important to be responsible in spending our money to avoid falling deep into a financial crisis. Without proper financial planning, one can go bankrupt or live in huge debt. The same thing applies to businesses that companies operate.  Finance in businesses or corporations work differently because it involves huge capital management; from…
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Top 10 High-Paying Industries in Malaysia

There’s no doubt that lucrative wages could be one of the factors that drives one to either pursue an academic study or a professional career. Which raises the question, what are some of the highest paying industries in Malaysia? Some might argue that it is healthcare, others say it’s finance. Well, let’s find…
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什么是统考(UEC)? 华文独立中学统一考试(统考) United Examination Certificate (UEC) 的主要宗旨是为了统一衡量以华语为主要语言的华文独立中学(独中)学术水平而所举办的考试。然而,大部分的华文独立中学学生(简称为独中生)仍然会报名参加其他马来西亚教育文凭,例如 PMR 和 SPM。教师们也会分配时间,同时教导学生关于统考与其他马来西亚教育文凭的课程内容。 学…
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什么是人工智能? 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence(AI)是指由人制造出来的机器所表现出来的智能。 人工智能可以定义为模仿人类与人类思维相关的认知功能的机器或电脑,如学习和解决问题。人工智能同时也是广泛多样的计算机科学中的其中一项分支。 人工智能是包括十分广泛的科学,它由不同的领域组成,如机器学习,计算机视觉等等,总的来说,人工智能研究的一个主要目标是使机器能够胜任一些通常…
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计算机科学与信息技术的区别是什么? 你应该选择哪一个?

如今我们正在迈向工业革命4.0(也称工业4.0)的时代,这是一个可以迅速改变我们交流、工作以及互动方式的一个阶段,换句话说工业4.0对我们生活所产生的影响十分巨大。根据福布斯(Forbes)表示,工业4.0是工业3.0的强化版,更加注重云分析、大数据、机器学习和物联网等智能以及自主系统。 身为一名学生,我们面对工业4.0的第一步可以是通过学习一些密切相关的领域,而其中比较热门的选择则是电脑科学以及…
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Pharmacy vs. Pharmaceutical Science: Which One to Choose?

Are you fascinated with chemistry and the human body? Do you have an interest in the professional world of specialised drugs and all things pharmaceutical? But you’re unsure of the differences between Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science? Well, keep on reading to find out more about these two interrelated fields. Enquire Now What is…
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