ucsi university

Doctor or Engineer, which is better?

What do a Doctor and an Engineer do? In a typical reunion setting with your relatives, like with your uncles and aunties, you will surely be getting such questions – Ah Boy/ Ah Girl, what do you want to be in the future? Doctor, Engineer, or Lawyer? Does this sound very familiar to…
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Twinning Program in Malaysia with Australia

What is a Twinning Programme? Are you dreaming of furthering your studies abroad but feeling stressed out by the high costs? What if we told you that there’s a way to realise your dream without breaking the bank? How does that sound to you? Introducing to you the Twinning Programme – an affordable…
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什么是双联课程? 马来西亚学生通常将英国作为海外深造的首选之地。更重要的是,英国以提供世界一流教育的著名教育机构而闻名。然而,在英国接受高等教育的费用可能相当昂贵,这可能会阻碍一些学生的愿望。 不用担心,有一个选择适合您!如果您希望接受全球教育而又不需要花费巨额资金,那么 “双联课程”–这一经济实惠的教育途径就非常适合您。 双联课程通常是指两所教育机构合作,共同…
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Mass Communication Course in Malaysia

What is Mass Communication? Mass Communication, or Mass Comm, as many people are more used to calling it, is the process of distributing and exchanging information among a large number of people using mass media. Since technology has improved the efficiency of information delivery, it enables the use of a variety of mediums…
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Art and Design Course in Malaysia

What is Art and Design? Art and Design, are realm of creativity, and it is where you can let your imagination run wild – anything is possible. Art and Design is a medium that gives life to non-tangible ideas and makes them a masterpiece. But what exactly is Art and Design? Let’s dive…
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什么是预科课程? 您刚刚完成 SPM 课程,您正在考虑:”我下一步该做什么?哪个课程适合我?是的,在完成中学教育后,您会有很多选择,如大马教育文凭考试(STPM)、A-Level、预科、文凭或微型证书课程,以考虑继续升学的途径。 在今天的话题中,让我们来讨论马来西亚学生中最著名的选择之一,即预科课程。预科课程是大学的 “预备 “课程,旨在帮助学生从中学教育过渡到…
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什么是平面设计? 请允许我带您踏上创意、创新和想象力的旅程–进入平面设计的世界。平面设计是创造视觉内容的艺术,以向受众传达想法和信息。它是使用排版、色彩、图像和其他设计元素来讲述故事、唤起情感和吸引注意力的艺术。 在今天的世界里,平面设计是无限的。从你最喜欢的咖啡杯上的标志到你喜欢的产品的包装,平面设计在我们的日常生活中起着关键的作用。然而,平面设计的与众不同之处在于其传达故事的能力。…
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UK Twinning Programmes in Malaysia

What is a Twinning Programme? Malaysian students often consider the United Kingdom (UK) as their preferred location to further their studies in an overseas context. What’s more is that the UK is famed for prestigious education institutions that provide world-class education. However, pursuing higher education in the UK can be pretty pricey, which…
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什么是公共关系? 喜欢分享想法,并通过你的沟通技巧使你的想法变成现实?如果你的答案是肯定的,我们强烈建议你学习大众传播,特别是公共关系(PR)领域。 那么在这之前,什么是公关?在书中,公关被定义为管理从一方到另一方的通信流和过程。它的形式可以是从一个组织向公众传播信息,也可以是从一个组织的代表向政府官员传播信息。 无论组织的规模如何,公关已经越来越成为一个重要的方面,因为公关的主要目标是为个人或组…
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Foundation Courses in Malaysia

What is a Foundation Programme? You have just completed your SPM, and you are thinking – “What should I do next? Which programme is suitable for me?” Yes, upon completing your secondary education, you will be given lots of options such as STPM, A-Level, Foundation, Diploma or Micro Credential Courses to consider which…
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