The Australian National University


澳大利亚是全球外国留学生的热门聚集地。澳大利亚拥有世界一流的顶级大学,为来自世界各地的学生们提供最优质的教育。而也正因为这个原因,许多留学生选择了到澳大利亚留学。 澳大利亚大学再次跻身进入 2022 年 QS 世界大学排名前 100 位,为世界各地的大学带来了激烈的竞争。 以下我们为你整理了排名澳大利亚最佳大学榜首的大学名单。 QS 世界大学排名是什么? 在我们进入该名单之前,让我们来看看 QS …
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很多时候我们所就读的大学排名多少会对我们未来的求职之路有所影响,特别是对于竞争比较激烈的专业科系来说,所以选择一所榜上有名的大学将会对你的未来带来好处。QS世界大学排名(QS World University Rankings)是全球最受欢迎以及最被广泛使用的大学排行榜之一。根据2021年最新的QS世界大学排名,其中有36所著名的澳洲大学都榜上有名。在这篇文章中,我们统整了前十所澳洲著名大学几一些…
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Top 10 Australian Universities to Study Politics & International Studies

What is Politics & International Studies? Politics and International Studies is an interdisciplinary field centering on multiple aspects of society. These aspects include governance, democracy, community, diversity, culture, policies, and administration. Students of Politics and International Studies will have the chance to delve into world issues relating to human rights, economic development, war,…
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Top 10 Australian Universities for Graduate Employability

Employability is one of the most important factors in a prospective student’s decision-making process, prospective students are thinking proactively about the graduate outcomes they want to see at the end of their degrees. Not all universities with a good reputation have strong links with employers, the level of support and services offered by…
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Top 10 Universities in Australia 2020

About QS World University Rankings The following Top 10 Universities in Australia 2020  are based on world renowned QS World University Rankings system. It is an annual publication  comprised of the global overall university and subject rankings and many other measures. Therefore, it is the most widely read rankings system in the world….
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Study Accounting & Finance in Australia 2020

Overview: What’s the Difference? In essence, the main difference between Accounting and Finance is that accounting focuses on past records and present reports, then using the information to assess a business’ financial position; while finance deals with using these financial records to for future financial planning, investment decisions and drive new business strategies….
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Why Australia is the best place to study abroad?

Studying abroad is the best way to start your academic journey You’re young, fresh and bursting with energy. With all that you contain, you have amazing opportunities that lay ahead of you and studying abroad is a big part of it. As a student in this generation, basic education is not enough to…
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