taylors university

The Future of Digital Media

Considering the digital age that our world has entered into, we have become more reliant on the existence of our mobile devices. Whether it is our phones, laptops, or tablets, the majority of the media we consume are coming from these screens. In contrast to traditional media outlets, such as television, radio, and…
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Why Should You Get A Postgraduate Degree in Malaysia?

What’s A Postgraduate Degree? As the name suggests, a postgraduate degree is the qualification you’d find yourself completing after an undergraduate degree. Though, what is it, really? Unbeknownst to most, postgraduate degrees are actually made of several qualifications, namely master degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas and Certificates, and PhDs.  Yes, there are multiple kinds of…
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The Future of Programming in Malaysia 2022

A computer program is essentially the command of codes written into a computer that allows it to perform specific tasks. These codes have been written by computer programmers. Therefore, everything that a computer is able to do, from searching the lyrics to your favorite song to playing a movie on Netflix, has been…
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Architecture Vs. Engineering: Which One to Choose?

Architecture and engineering are both involved with designing and constructing a building of sorts. Whether it is a house, a shopping complex, an office building, you can bet that an architect and engineer was involved in the process. So what is the difference between the two? What do they have in common, and…
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Top Private Universities to Study Computer Science in Malaysia 2022

As our world continues to develop, it is undeniable that many industries have increased their reliance on communication technologies, computer softwares, and the internet. As a result, with computational technologies becoming a supporting pillar for industries in multiple sectors, demand for talent and practitioners is bound to rise, and thus, studying computer science…
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Top Private Universities To Study Computer Science And Information Technology in Malaysia 2022

What is Computer Science? Computer science is an academic discipline that is concerned with computing. It is the study of computer technology including computational systems such as softwares, information processes, algorithms, along with its development, design, theory and application. It also focuses on the study of creating new ways of using technology and…
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2022 年马来西亚十大高薪行业领域

相信每位学生们在选择想要就读什么课程时,一定也有将该行业领域的就业需求和收入归类为考虑因素之一。而对于毕业后有打算继续待在马来西亚工作的学生们,你一定也想知道马来西亚薪酬最高的行业有什么?根据 FMT Media 近期的文章,我们整理出了 2022 年马来西亚十大高薪行业领域供你参考! 2022 年马来西亚十大高薪行业领域 1. 教育 你可能会对这份名单上的第一名感到惊讶!与他人相比,身处在教育行…
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Top 10 High-Paying Industries in Malaysia

There’s no doubt that lucrative wages could be one of the factors that drives one to either pursue an academic study or a professional career. Which raises the question, what are some of the highest paying industries in Malaysia? Some might argue that it is healthcare, others say it’s finance. Well, let’s find…
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