double major

你应该选择双学位 (Double Degree) 或是双主修 (Double Major)?

双学位和双主修这两个词对一些人而言可能会感到十分困惑,尤其是当你从未听说或了解过它们。高中毕业后,大部分学生们的下一步就是为接下来的的教育途径作出选择。考虑攻读双学位或双主修或许会是不错的选择! 什么是双学位? 双学位:毕业时同时获得两个不同的学士学位 例如同时攻读传播学位以及营销管理学位。 尽管完成两个学士学位也代表着非常大的工作量,但选择攻读双学位的学生是那些同时对两个学历领域都同样充满热情并…
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Dual Degree or Double Major?

The words Dual Degrees and Double Majors can be confusing especially if you’ve never heard or learned about them before. Graduating high school, the next big step for students is to choose their education pathways. Why not pursue a dual degree or take on double majors? What is a Dual Degree? Dual Degree;…
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