APU University


马来西亚至今拥有20所公立大学和437所私立大学。也许您已经选择了自己喜欢的课程,并且对未来的职业道路有了清晰的规划。由于马来西亚拥有的私立大学种类繁多,您又应该如何选择最适合自己的大学呢? 为了帮助您缩小选择范围,在本文中,我们将根据SETARA评级提供的马来西亚前五名私立大学的信息供您参考。 什么是SETARA评级? 虽然大多数大学评级都来自国际公认的QS世界大学排名,但是马来西亚本身也有SE…
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Common Misconceptions About Marketing

What are your first thoughts when you hear the word “marketing”? Perhaps it may be a seller, property agent, insurance agent and so on. You may also hear that a marketing degree isn’t required if you want to work in the industry, and that even non-graduates can be successful marketers, but is this…
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计算机程序的本质上是写入计算机的代码指令,并允许其执行特定任务。这些代码是由计算机程序员编写的。因此,计算机所能做的一切,从搜索你最喜欢的歌曲的歌词到在 Netflix 上播放电影,都已被程序员编程。例如,一台计算机知道如何在您的笔记本电脑屏幕上打出这些单词,因为它已被编程。它知道当您拖动鼠标时需要向上滚动,因为它已被编程。计算机所做的一切都是它经过编程的东西。 其实最主要的还是我们应该要了解编程…
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近年来,随着我们的世界不断地数字化,信息技术(IT)变得越来越重要,因为它在维护不同行业之间的通信和数据处理方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 IT 专家往往是企业的生命线——如果企业的数据库没有得到妥善维护,可能就足以让一个企业倒闭。 扮演如此重要的角色意味着您将需要强硬的教育背景。 以下将是您在马来西亚学习信息技术需要了解的所有信息。 什么是信息技术(IT)? 我们听到“IT”这个词在学校或办公室里常…
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The Future of Programming in Malaysia 2022

A computer program is essentially the command of codes written into a computer that allows it to perform specific tasks. These codes have been written by computer programmers. Therefore, everything that a computer is able to do, from searching the lyrics to your favorite song to playing a movie on Netflix, has been…
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Top Private Universities to Study Computer Science in Malaysia 2022

As our world continues to develop, it is undeniable that many industries have increased their reliance on communication technologies, computer softwares, and the internet. As a result, with computational technologies becoming a supporting pillar for industries in multiple sectors, demand for talent and practitioners is bound to rise, and thus, studying computer science…
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Top Private Universities To Study Computer Science And Information Technology in Malaysia 2022

What is Computer Science? Computer science is an academic discipline that is concerned with computing. It is the study of computer technology including computational systems such as softwares, information processes, algorithms, along with its development, design, theory and application. It also focuses on the study of creating new ways of using technology and…
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2022 年马来西亚十大高薪行业领域

相信每位学生们在选择想要就读什么课程时,一定也有将该行业领域的就业需求和收入归类为考虑因素之一。而对于毕业后有打算继续待在马来西亚工作的学生们,你一定也想知道马来西亚薪酬最高的行业有什么?根据 FMT Media 近期的文章,我们整理出了 2022 年马来西亚十大高薪行业领域供你参考! 2022 年马来西亚十大高薪行业领域 1. 教育 你可能会对这份名单上的第一名感到惊讶!与他人相比,身处在教育行…
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