UTS Sydney

Mechanical or Mechatronic? Which Degree to Study?

Are you the kind of person who’s constantly curious about how things work, from smart machines to air crafts that float 30,000ft above the ground? Have you ever wanted to invent devices or equipment that could serve great benefits to society? Yes? Then a degree in Mechanical or Mechatronics engineering is perfect as…
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Study Animation Degree in Australia

What is Animation? Animation is an art of breathing to life with the help of moving sequences and stories with the use of visual arts on inanimate objects or illustrated characters. It consists of making a sequence of pictures or frames, so arranged in rapid succession—the eyes seeing them nonliving—appear to reproduce motion. …
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Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) Degree in Australia

Looking for a specialisation of Engineering which incorporates how electrical devices work or how electrical energy is produced and used? Perhaps Electrical and Electronic Engineering is for you! Let’s discover the ins and outs of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) Degree in Australia. Enquire Here What is Electrical and Electronic Engineering? Electrical and…
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Top Universities to study Software Engineering in Australia

The field of Software Engineering is the cornerstone of our increasingly digital world. With hyperconnectivity in many aspects of life, the field has become so much more fundamental. Looking for a significant degree for this digital age? Software Engineering is what you’re looking for. This article will delve in notions of Software Engineering…
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University of Technology Sydney (2020)

About University of Technology Sydney (UTS) University of Technology Sydney (UTS) is a public research university established in 1988. Over the years UTS has continuously improved its level of academic excellence which has resulted in it being a highly reputed institution in Australia and globally. They enroll approximately 46,200 students annually including 15,450…
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Study Interior Design in Australia (2020)

What is Interior Design about? Interior designing combines Art and Science to achieve aesthetically pleasing environments. It focuses on  enhancing the interior of a building, therefore, this profession includes a lot of research, site inspections, programming, space planning, construction management and executing designs.  An Interior Designer is someone who plans, researches and manages…
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Study Accounting in Australia (2020)

Accounting is vital to many organisations, therefore, it is a popular career choice. If you think it’s the right choice for you, keep reading to see how you can get there.  What is Accounting? Let us go back to basics and understand what exactly accounting is all about. It involves recording, analysing and…
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