Top Recommended Universities for Engineering in Australia

A world without Engineers is probably not the best one to live in. Without Engineering, there would not have been communication systems, transportation systems, or even the beloved smartphone. Engineering is the pioneer of modern life and society development. If you’re interested in getting involved with Engineering, keep on reading to find out…
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Difference of Communication and Mass Communication Degree

We live in a time of connectivity, where communication is vital in ensuring accurate information is delivered to the masses. You’ll listen to a politician’s speech on TV and wonder how are they so articulate? Well, that’s thanks to script writers working hard in the Communication or even, Mass Communication degree field. Searching…
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Top Universities in Australia to study Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? There is much buzz around Artificial Intelligence (AI) in almost every sector and industry possible. The notion of AI has actually been around for decades but has now been popularised owing to how today’s AI systems are capable of demonstrating traits of human intelligence, including learning, problem-solving, perception,…
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Top Universities to Study Marketing in Australia 2022

The idea that a product can satisfy a customer’s wants by providing a solution to a problem is central to marketing (needs). The foundation for organisational success is represented by the significant shift in today’s corporate strategy. What is Marketing? Marketing describes the actions a business takes to encourage the purchase or sale…
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生物医学是一门致力于促进人类健康发展的学术领域。该领域旨在不断研究治疗登革热、艾滋病毒等疾病的方法。例如,冠状病毒大流行在所有人最意想不到的时候席卷了全球,让整个世界都停了下来。一年前,我们还不知道冠状病毒是什么,基本上是在沮丧中,因为它影响了全球经济,并造成了全球失业率上升。 一年之后,我们已经有几种疫苗进入临床试验并被批准在几个国家进行大规模疫苗接种。这就是生物医学科学领域的用武之地,该领域的…
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华文独立中学统一考试(统考)United Examination Certificate (UEC) 是马来西亚最受欢迎的大学预科课程之一。统考文凭不仅受到大部分马来西亚私立大学的认可,而且世界各地也有许多的著名大学也都接受统考文凭。然而,由于其课程内容不包含马来西亚历史和地理研究,马来西亚的公立大学并不开放录取统考生。 因此很多时候马来西亚的统考生们都选择在毕业后直接申请进入马来西亚私立大学继续…
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Top 5 Degrees for Creative People

If you are a creative person, traditional careers might not be very appealing to you. You need a job that will help you let your inner creativity out in your everyday life.  Today, in order to pursue a career in the ever-changing creative world, you need to have a set of creative skills…
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