2022 年在马来西亚修读医学与外科 (MBBS) 的前 5 大学
什么是医学与外科? 医学和外科通常被称为 MBBS,学习 MBBS 是为了研究使用医疗保健知识来诊断、治疗和预防疾病、病毒或受伤。医生有义务通过检查和诊断病情来保持整个社会是健康的,并以寻找疾病的根源,然后通过药物寻求治疗方案。 MBBS 的整个课程分为两个阶段,临床前培训 pre-clinical training(2年)和临床培训 clinical training(3年)。临床前培训纯粹是考…
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什么是医学与外科? 医学和外科通常被称为 MBBS,学习 MBBS 是为了研究使用医疗保健知识来诊断、治疗和预防疾病、病毒或受伤。医生有义务通过检查和诊断病情来保持整个社会是健康的,并以寻找疾病的根源,然后通过药物寻求治疗方案。 MBBS 的整个课程分为两个阶段,临床前培训 pre-clinical training(2年)和临床培训 clinical training(3年)。临床前培训纯粹是考…
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Looking to study MBBS in Malaysia but not sure which university to enrol? Check out the Top private Medical university to study in Malaysia that you can consider. What is MBBS? MBBS stands for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery. It is an undergraduate Degree programme pursued by individuals aspiring to become medical…
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什么是A-Levels? A-Levels是英国普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,也是英国学生的大学入学考试课程。A-Levels通常需要 15-24个月的时间才能完成,具体取决于不同大学要求和入学人数。有些大学还提供12个月的速成课程。A-Levels课程要求学生学习3门或4门主科科目并参加毕业考试。学生的考试成绩及其所选的A-Levels课程在很大程度上决定了是否能够深入的了解所选择的大学课程…
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It’s no joke when it comes to pre-university programs, there are plenty of choices out there and most of the time students end up confused on which one to choose. It doesn’t happen often but sometimes students tend to take the wrong path and end up not meeting the entry requirement for their…
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Have you had the knack of just scribbling and doodling while studying or even when you’re listening to a lecture? Many of us push those silly doodling aside and pursue something much more serious for our tertiary education. But do you know, according to Malaysia’s critical occupational list 2020, graphic designers were among…
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The first several years of a baby is an extremely crucial time in their lives as it’s when they first learn how to interact with others, including peers, teachers, and parents, it’s also the time where their interest will start to develop and stay with them throughout their lives. It’s a common misperception…
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你是否还在为SPM之后的去向而烦恼?身边的人有的选择继续升学也有人选择直接踏入社会工作。那如果你是前者,且还在为将来的升学之路做打算,这篇文章整理了一些SPM之后的几个去向和一些适合的大学供你参考。 大部分的国内外大学的入学门槛都需要至少12年的教育。根据马来西亚的教学制度,从小学一年级直到中五毕业,大部分的学生们都只受了11年的教育。而这就是为什么SPM毕业的考生们都需要先修一门大学预科课程才能…
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Cost is a major factor in the student’s decisions when choosing a university. We understand that the cost of education can have a long-term impact on one’s life, therefore it is important to sort out the budget when making the decision. Scholarships can be a good financial aid option for students to get…
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Fermentation of bread, antibiotics, AND the first genetically modified plant, (just to name a few) are discoveries from the study of Biotechnology. This interdisciplinary knowledge or field has been around for ages, but the term Biotechnology was only coined as such in the year 1919. Often referred to as Biotech, its importance plays…
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Owing to the global relevance of Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as the buzz around generative AI, ChatGPT, and OpenAI, many have been drawn to the notion of AI. Artificial Intelligence, also referred to as AI, has shown that there is so much more of the AI field to be explored, making it…
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