大多数人通常对大众传播的真正含义有很大的误解。 有人猜测它只是关于传播学的研究,而另一些人则认为它只是关于广播和新闻。 现实情况是,大众传播是一个涉及日常生活的广泛知识领域,每个人每天都会以一种或另一种方式,多次参与大众传媒所涉略的领域。 如果您有兴趣在广播重磅新闻、为多个品牌创建内容,或者想通过播客频道分享自己的想法和信息,大众传播可能正是您升学的最佳选择! 什么是大众传播? 首先,让我们澄清这…
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大多数人通常对大众传播的真正含义有很大的误解。 有人猜测它只是关于传播学的研究,而另一些人则认为它只是关于广播和新闻。 现实情况是,大众传播是一个涉及日常生活的广泛知识领域,每个人每天都会以一种或另一种方式,多次参与大众传媒所涉略的领域。 如果您有兴趣在广播重磅新闻、为多个品牌创建内容,或者想通过播客频道分享自己的想法和信息,大众传播可能正是您升学的最佳选择! 什么是大众传播? 首先,让我们澄清这…
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工程学是一个专注于解决问题的领域。 这个特定的研究领域涉及广泛的职业工作。 从我们城市中的建筑物到手机的制造,工程师都有参与设计和组装这些部件。 工程师是伟大的思想家和发明家。 他们是我们的生活继续进步为一个更有效的系统并同时间保证我们的安全。 如果您对解决问题以及数学、科学和艺术之间的关系感兴趣,那么工程学可能是最适合您的职业道路。 工程学的种类 如上所述,工程学具有广泛的职业前景。…
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您是否在面对升学选择哪个大学预科课程而感到迷茫? 这个肯定是正常的! 各位同学们往往会在此刻快速的决定他们的预科课程,而这也可能导致他们没有无法满足他们在未来想要修读的学位课程的入学要求。因此,您应该花时间进行研究,以更深入地了解每个大学预科课程的区别,从而选择一个最适合你的升学道路。 在本文中,我们将帮助您了解众所周知的 A-Levels 的详细信息,这似乎是学生们倾向于选择的顶级大学预科课程。…
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What is Mass Communication? Mass Communication, or Mass Comm, as many people are more used to calling it, is the process of distributing and exchanging information among a large number of people using mass media. Since technology has improved the efficiency of information delivery, it enables the use of a variety of mediums…
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How many hours do you often spend on social media a day? Perhaps an average of 4 to 7 hours? Maybe even more? Now, what if I told you there are several careers that you can pursue to actually be on social media all day every day? Social media has become such a…
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Architecture and engineering are both involved with designing and constructing a building of sorts. Whether it is a house, a shopping complex, an office building, you can bet that an architect and engineer was involved in the process. So what is the difference between the two? What do they have in common, and…
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Engineering is a field that focuses on problem-solving. This particular area of study has a wide reach of occupational jobs. From the buildings that we have in our cities, to the manufacture of our phones, an engineer has been involved in designing and assembling these pieces. Engineers are great thinkers and inventors. They…
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大多数就读 A-Level 的学生都有想要继续上大学深造的打算。A-Level 受到了许多世界顶尖大学的认可,被广泛认为是大学预科课程的黄金标准。对于想要到英国、澳大利亚、美国、加拿大和新加坡等海外留学的学生们,A-Level 便会是他们的“首选”计划。但也有不少的 A-Level 毕业生选择继续留在马来西亚攻读学士学位。尤其是在疫情期间,很多学生不得不重新考虑自己原有的留学计划。 另一方面,由于…
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The majority of the students who study A-Level have the intention to further their studies and go to university. A-Levels is widely recognised as the gold standard of pre-university studies, and they are approved by many of the world’s top universities. While it is often the “go-to” programme if the students want to…
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What is Biomedical Science? Biomedical Science is the study of organs, cells, systems function of the human body to understand it and the effects of diseases and drugs have on the human body. It is the science behind your healthcare which is mostly research and lab-based with the aim of improving and advancing…
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