马来西亚至今拥有20所公立大学和437所私立大学。也许您已经选择了自己喜欢的课程,并且对未来的职业道路有了清晰的规划。由于马来西亚拥有的私立大学种类繁多,您又应该如何选择最适合自己的大学呢? 为了帮助您缩小选择范围,在本文中,我们将根据SETARA评级提供的马来西亚前五名私立大学的信息供您参考。 什么是SETARA评级? 虽然大多数大学评级都来自国际公认的QS世界大学排名,但是马来西亚本身也有SE…
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马来西亚至今拥有20所公立大学和437所私立大学。也许您已经选择了自己喜欢的课程,并且对未来的职业道路有了清晰的规划。由于马来西亚拥有的私立大学种类繁多,您又应该如何选择最适合自己的大学呢? 为了帮助您缩小选择范围,在本文中,我们将根据SETARA评级提供的马来西亚前五名私立大学的信息供您参考。 什么是SETARA评级? 虽然大多数大学评级都来自国际公认的QS世界大学排名,但是马来西亚本身也有SE…
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It’s common knowledge that one’s time spent in college is one of the most memorable years of their lives. The life that we lead at university and college introduces us to new experiences as well as things that we had not encountered before. College life may mean having fun to the maximum extent…
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The Petronas Twin Tower and the Seri Wawasan Bridge, both of which are located in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, are two examples of Malaysia’s exceptional architectural achievements in the field of skyscraper and bridge architecture. Do you have any idea where these fascinating patterns were conceived? That’s right, an Architect! In most cases,…
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Imagine putting a lot of effort into a project and then seeing the finished product months or years later. Everyone in the general neighbourhood stops what they are doing to admire it and point it out. Then, what would you say? There’s a good possibility that if you were an architect, you’d claim,…
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近年来,随着我们的世界不断地数字化,信息技术(IT)变得越来越重要,因为它在维护不同行业之间的通信和数据处理方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 IT 专家往往是企业的生命线——如果企业的数据库没有得到妥善维护,可能就足以让一个企业倒闭。 扮演如此重要的角色意味着您将需要强硬的教育背景。 以下将是您在马来西亚学习信息技术需要了解的所有信息。 什么是信息技术(IT)? 我们听到“IT”这个词在学校或办公室里常…
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你是否拥有想要帮助其他人的愿景?你是否对化学和人体构造有兴趣?你是否在未来想要在药品方面的领域工作?如果都是的话,你来到了对的地方。 但是!!!你是不是无法辨别药剂学和药物科学之间的差别呢?!那么快把以下的内容全部都收藏起来吧!他们会很大程度上帮助你在未来选择对的专业哟! 什么是药剂学? 药剂学是一个学习怎么使用药品的专业。他们会学习如何使用,保存,延长使用时间,和配药。药剂学是一个融合了医学和化…
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Information Technology, or known as IT, has gained more importance in recent years as our world continues to digitise, due to its imperative role in maintaining communications and data processing for different industries. IT experts are the lifeline of a business – if a business’ database is not properly maintained, it may just…
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About Taylor’s University & Colleges. Founded in 1969, and awarded a full-fledged university status in 2010, Taylor’s is now one of Malaysia’s leading private higher education institutions. Taylor’s University College and Taylor’s College are both located by their infamous Lakeside Campus that was awarded the Special Honour Award from the Institute of Landscape…
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In this article, we will provide you with everything you need to know about which university in Malaysia you can study Law including the entry requirements. What is Law? Law is depicted as a body of rules of action or conduct that have been established by a controlling authority and having binding legal…
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What is Biomedical Science? Biomedical Science is the study of organs, cells, systems function of the human body to understand it and the effects of diseases and drugs have on the human body. It is the science behind your healthcare which is mostly research and lab-based with the aim of improving and advancing…
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