
2022年马来西亚SPM/ IGCSE大学奖学金

金钱往往是学生们在选择大学时考量的关键因素之一。教育费用很多时候也可能会对一个人未来的生活有着间接的关系。因此在作出选择时,考虑预算是很重要的一件事。 而奖学金在很多时候也成为了学生们在教育上获得经济援助的最佳方式,更棒的一点是学生们在未来无需偿还他们所获得到的奖学金!马来西亚的私立机构和学院也为学生们提供了各式各样的奖学金。 如果你正在考虑申请奖学金,但不知从何开始,本文将为你提供一些建议! 在…
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Top Universities to Study Mechanical Engineering in Malaysia

What is Mechanical Engineering? Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest engineering fields. It applies the principles of motion, energy, and force in the design and development of most products that surround us. From everyday conveniences such as refrigerators, air-conditioners and microwaves to large machines such as electric generators, diesel engines and gas…
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