Swinburne University of Technology

Top Universities to Study Filmmaking in Australia

If you are someone who is into creativity, a degree in filmmaking might help you achieve your dreams of creating your own silver-screen sensation What is Filmmaking? Filmmaking degrees, as the term indicates, offer you the required abilities and expertise to help establish a future in the film industry. Filmmaking degrees usually have…
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Study Foundation Courses in Australia

Have you always dreamt about studying in Australia and you can’t wait to get on that plane to start your new adventure? It’s no surprise as Australia has always been the preferred study destination by Malaysian students right after the UK and Ireland.  Home to Vegemite, koala bears and kangaroos, Australia holds the…
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英语是在这世界上最为广泛使用的语言之一。不仅是在课堂上,很多时候当我们到大学升学时,甚至是出了社会工作,我们将很频繁的使用英语。然而对于一些母语不是英语的人而言,要说出一口好英语是一项颇有挑战性的事。 把英语这门语言学好特别是对于想要出国深造的学生而言,将对未来给予很大的帮助。在许多不同的欧美国家,还有澳洲和新西兰,几乎每所大学都对学生们的英语水平有一定的标准。不论是英语专业或非英语专业的课程,每…
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