Swinburne University of Technology

Difference of Communication and Mass Communication Degree

We live in a time of connectivity, where communication is vital in ensuring accurate information is delivered to the masses. You’ll listen to a politician’s speech on TV and wonder how are they so articulate? Well, that’s thanks to script writers working hard in the Communication or even, Mass Communication degree field. Searching…
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Australia Foundation vs Malaysia Foundation

If you are looking for pre-university programmes which could qualify you into an undergraduate programme, Foundation programmes are one of the viable options. Among Foundation programmes, you also have the option to either join an Australia Foundation or a Malaysia Foundation. This article will help you make an informed decision on which Foundation…
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Top Universities in Australia to study Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? There is much buzz around Artificial Intelligence (AI) in almost every sector and industry possible. The notion of AI has actually been around for decades but has now been popularised owing to how today’s AI systems are capable of demonstrating traits of human intelligence, including learning, problem-solving, perception,…
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What separates Interior Design from Interior Architecture

What is Interior Design? Have an eye to transform a regular space to an artistic space? Learning Interior Design may be the right path for you. According to the International Interior Design Association, Interior Design is defined as the professional and comprehensive practice of creating an interior environment that addresses, protects, and responds…
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Advertising Degree in Australia

What is Advertising? Advertising is one of the arts to persuade people to buy something they’ve never felt the need to buy before they saw that advertisement. Today, advertising uses emails and online advertisements. However, traditional forms such as print, TV, and radio ads still have the greatest outcome, for they are the…
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什么是机械工程? 机械工程是工程学旗下其中一个涉及范围最广的学科。他们在设计及研发我们日常生活中最常见的物品中有着很大的贡献。从一些不起眼的家电,例如冰箱,冷气机和微波炉到柴油引擎,发电机和电气发电等大型工程器械都是机械工程研发出来的产物。 机械工程师的工作范围是什么? 机械工程师们的主要会投入在研究,设计,生产,以及测试他们的产品,器具,系统以及流程直到他们达到使用标准。他们会与其他不同专业的工…
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2022 年马来西亚 A-Level / UEC 大学奖学金

大多数就读 A-Level 的学生都有想要继续上大学深造的打算。A-Level 受到了许多世界顶尖大学的认可,被广泛认为是大学预科课程的黄金标准。对于想要到英国、澳大利亚、美国、加拿大和新加坡等海外留学的学生们,A-Level 便会是他们的“首选”计划。但也有不少的 A-Level 毕业生选择继续留在马来西亚攻读学士学位。尤其是在疫情期间,很多学生不得不重新考虑自己原有的留学计划。 另一方面,由于…
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2022年马来西亚SPM/ IGCSE大学奖学金

金钱往往是学生们在选择大学时考量的关键因素之一。教育费用很多时候也可能会对一个人未来的生活有着间接的关系。因此在作出选择时,考虑预算是很重要的一件事。 而奖学金在很多时候也成为了学生们在教育上获得经济援助的最佳方式,更棒的一点是学生们在未来无需偿还他们所获得到的奖学金!马来西亚的私立机构和学院也为学生们提供了各式各样的奖学金。 如果你正在考虑申请奖学金,但不知从何开始,本文将为你提供一些建议! 在…
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