
Top Factors to Consider When Choosing a University

One of the most important decisions you will make in your life is where you will attend university. Not only will you be attached to it for at least three years, but it may also completely change your life. While in some cases you will need to transfer universities, changing universities is an…
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你是否对拯救生命以及为社会付出有着强烈的兴趣?并且可以接受到医院、诊所、实验室、药房甚至是疗养院工作?你正在考虑从事健康科学领域内的职业,但不确定要学习哪门专业?就让我们通过以下这篇文章带你了解更多关于健康科学的领域吧! 什么是健康科学? 健康科学是对所有与健康相关的学科总数的称呼,指的是那些利用工程学、数学、科学和技术的应用为人类和动物提供医疗保健的学科。该领域注重于研究及理解如何让人类和动物改…
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对于许多人而言,攻读工商管理硕士学位 Master of Business Administration (MBA) 是对于时间和金钱上的一种浪费。但事实上,MBA是其中一项拥有最完善和全面教育的高等学历之一,其中包含的领域有会计、人力资源、商务沟通、商业法以及市场营销等。 MBA 协会 Association of MBAs (AMBA) 的研究表明,94% 的 MBA 学生期望在毕业后获得高级…
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在观看《复仇者联盟》、《神奇女侠》和《哈利波特》等系列电影时,你会不会微笑、大笑或者是哭泣呢?你又想知道为什么这些电影能够俘获那么多人的心吗?不仅如此,你还希望有一天能制作出一部电影并想着在电影院观看自己的杰作,或是你想成为一名出色的 YouTuber,制作出鼓舞人心的视频内容? 如果你的回答都是肯定的,你可以选择通过学习电影制作开始你的旅程。 在以下文章中,我们将为你介绍电影的各个制作阶段、入学…
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Study International Relations in Malaysia 2021

If you are someone who loves learning about the way this world works, and how countries around the world operate, International Relations might just be the best choice for you. What is International Relations? International Relations is a broad subject that allows you to learn about the relationships between different countries and governments….
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Human Resource Management Degree in Malaysia

What is Human Resource Management? Human Resource Management is the department of an organization responsible for managing everything that relates to employees. This includes recruitment, training, performance management, organization development, workplace safety and employee benefits. Human Resource management allows employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment…
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Study Physiotherapy in Malaysia 2020

Fun Fact: It was the expatriates that brought physiotherapy into Malaysia and later on, Malaysians were sent under Colombo plan scholarship to service the country. Hence the birth of the Malaysian Physiotherapy Association on 19th January 1963 which was registered on 6th August the same year. But what is physiotherapy? Why did the…
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Top Universities to Study MBA in Malaysia 2020

Many people said pursuing your education into a Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a waste of time and money. However, MBA is one of the highest qualifications that teaches students comprehensively in areas such as accounting, human resources, business communication, business law, and marketing.  Research from the Association of MBAs (AMBA) shows…
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