Study in Malaysia

What To Do If You Have Poor SPM Results?

The SPM results will be out soon in just a couple of weeks.  If your result turns out to be unsatisfying (let’s hope not), it’s okay to let yourself drown in emotions for a while. But when it’s time to get back up, wipe your tears, hold your head up, and take a…
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Top 10 Private Universities in Malaysia (2020)

Malaysia, a country that succeeded to become one of the famous study destinations for international students. In 2019, Kuala Lumpur ranks 29 for the world’s best student city. The rapidly evolving reputation of Malaysia’s higher education has quickly established itself as one of Southeast Asia’s leading study destinations.  Read also: Why International Students Prefer…
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Becoming a Veterinarian in Australia

What is a Veterinarian? A veterinarian is a doctor who studies animal health and helps to protect the welfare of both animals and people. Many veterinarians detect animal health conditions, vaccinate against viruses, treat animals with parasites or illnesses, wash and dress wounds, repair bones, perform surgery, and counsel owners on animal food, actions, and training.  Veterinatians can also apply to both human and animal welfare. A variety of veterinarians collborate alongside clinicians and experts to identify ways to prevent and handle different problems…
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