你是否还在为SPM之后的去向而烦恼?身边的人有的选择继续升学也有人选择直接踏入社会工作。那如果你是前者,且还在为将来的升学之路做打算,这篇文章整理了一些SPM之后的几个去向和一些适合的大学供你参考。 大部分的国内外大学的入学门槛都需要至少12年的教育。根据马来西亚的教学制度,从小学一年级直到中五毕业,大部分的学生们都只受了11年的教育。而这就是为什么SPM毕业的考生们都需要先修一门大学预科课程才能…
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你是否还在为SPM之后的去向而烦恼?身边的人有的选择继续升学也有人选择直接踏入社会工作。那如果你是前者,且还在为将来的升学之路做打算,这篇文章整理了一些SPM之后的几个去向和一些适合的大学供你参考。 大部分的国内外大学的入学门槛都需要至少12年的教育。根据马来西亚的教学制度,从小学一年级直到中五毕业,大部分的学生们都只受了11年的教育。而这就是为什么SPM毕业的考生们都需要先修一门大学预科课程才能…
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Attention to the students that will be sitting for the upcoming SPM 2021 examination; in this particular entry we will provide you with the guide you need to do well in your SPM. Divided into two major parts — we will focus on general subjects and science subjects for this entry. General subjects…
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SPM is coming! Throughout the years of SPM examination, a lot of students have been reading the tips on how to score for your spm, how to get straight As for spm, how to answer SPM examinations — and the list goes on. We believe students need help the most towards the start…
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The year 2020 so far has been challenging to everyone, including the education sector. This is to say schools have been hugely affected by the pandemic that has been going on for half a year now. Due to the inability to conduct the SPM examination on time in the year of 2020, students…
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