2022 年在马来西亚修读医学与外科 (MBBS) 的前 5 大学
什么是医学与外科? 医学和外科通常被称为 MBBS,学习 MBBS 是为了研究使用医疗保健知识来诊断、治疗和预防疾病、病毒或受伤。医生有义务通过检查和诊断病情来保持整个社会是健康的,并以寻找疾病的根源,然后通过药物寻求治疗方案。 MBBS 的整个课程分为两个阶段,临床前培训 pre-clinical training(2年)和临床培训 clinical training(3年)。临床前培训纯粹是考…
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什么是医学与外科? 医学和外科通常被称为 MBBS,学习 MBBS 是为了研究使用医疗保健知识来诊断、治疗和预防疾病、病毒或受伤。医生有义务通过检查和诊断病情来保持整个社会是健康的,并以寻找疾病的根源,然后通过药物寻求治疗方案。 MBBS 的整个课程分为两个阶段,临床前培训 pre-clinical training(2年)和临床培训 clinical training(3年)。临床前培训纯粹是考…
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Considering the digital age that our world has entered into, we have become more reliant on the existence of our mobile devices. Whether it is our phones, laptops, or tablets, the majority of the media we consume are coming from these screens. In contrast to traditional media outlets, such as television, radio, and…
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儿童生命的前五年是大脑发育最关键的时期。 孩子进步的这些最初阶段对他们的整个人生都有重大影响。 这就是为什么幼儿教育工作者在培养小孩的大脑方面发挥关键作用的原因。 通过向他们展示学习的乐趣,并协助他们奠定终生成功所需的基础,幼儿教育工作者是儿童学习之旅必须经历的一个阶段。 如果您喜欢在工作中接触小孩,并且有爱心和奉献精神为他们准备未来所需的基本生活技能,那么幼儿教育工作可能就是最适合你的途径! 什…
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How many hours do you often spend on social media a day? Perhaps an average of 4 to 7 hours? Maybe even more? Now, what if I told you there are several careers that you can pursue to actually be on social media all day every day? Social media has become such a…
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The first five years of a child’s life are the most crucial time for brain development. These first phases of a child’s progress have a significant influence on their entire life. This is why early childhood educators are vital in playing a critical role in nurturing young brains. By introducing them to the…
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Looking to study MBBS in Malaysia but not sure which university to enrol? Check out the Top private Medical university to study in Malaysia that you can consider. What is MBBS? MBBS stands for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery. It is an undergraduate Degree programme pursued by individuals aspiring to become medical…
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大多数就读 A-Level 的学生都有想要继续上大学深造的打算。A-Level 受到了许多世界顶尖大学的认可,被广泛认为是大学预科课程的黄金标准。对于想要到英国、澳大利亚、美国、加拿大和新加坡等海外留学的学生们,A-Level 便会是他们的“首选”计划。但也有不少的 A-Level 毕业生选择继续留在马来西亚攻读学士学位。尤其是在疫情期间,很多学生不得不重新考虑自己原有的留学计划。 另一方面,由于…
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The majority of the students who study A-Level have the intention to further their studies and go to university. A-Levels is widely recognised as the gold standard of pre-university studies, and they are approved by many of the world’s top universities. While it is often the “go-to” programme if the students want to…
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金钱往往是学生们在选择大学时考量的关键因素之一。教育费用很多时候也可能会对一个人未来的生活有着间接的关系。因此在作出选择时,考虑预算是很重要的一件事。 而奖学金在很多时候也成为了学生们在教育上获得经济援助的最佳方式,更棒的一点是学生们在未来无需偿还他们所获得到的奖学金!马来西亚的私立机构和学院也为学生们提供了各式各样的奖学金。 如果你正在考虑申请奖学金,但不知从何开始,本文将为你提供一些建议! 在…
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What is Biomedical Science? Biomedical Science is the study of organs, cells, systems function of the human body to understand it and the effects of diseases and drugs have on the human body. It is the science behind your healthcare which is mostly research and lab-based with the aim of improving and advancing…
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