Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

Top Universities to Study Filmmaking in Australia

If you are someone who is into creativity, a degree in filmmaking might help you achieve your dreams of creating your own silver-screen sensation What is Filmmaking? Filmmaking degrees, as the term indicates, offer you the required abilities and expertise to help establish a future in the film industry. Filmmaking degrees usually have…
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澳州最低消费学生城市TOP 7排名

许多学生都有到澳州就读大学的梦想,但很多时候这个梦想以及念头都被昂贵的生活费和学费而打消了。但请放心,澳州其实还有一些生活费用较低的城市,以及更容易负担得起的学费,其中也包括一些被视为比较偏远的地区。不仅如此,澳洲政府允许外国学生每两周工作长达 40 小时,最低工资为每小时 19.49 澳元,你可以在学习期间通过打工来减轻经济负担。所以,先不要那么快放弃你的梦想! 以下是澳大利亚前7个最低消费的城…
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你应该选择双学位 (Double Degree) 或是双主修 (Double Major)?

双学位和双主修这两个词对一些人而言可能会感到十分困惑,尤其是当你从未听说或了解过它们。高中毕业后,大部分学生们的下一步就是为接下来的的教育途径作出选择。考虑攻读双学位或双主修或许会是不错的选择! 什么是双学位? 双学位:毕业时同时获得两个不同的学士学位 例如同时攻读传播学位以及营销管理学位。 尽管完成两个学士学位也代表着非常大的工作量,但选择攻读双学位的学生是那些同时对两个学历领域都同样充满热情并…
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Study Optometry in Australia 2021

Our eyes are by far, the most important sensory organs in the human body. We perceive upto 80% of all impressions with the help of our eyes. Moreover, if other senses such as our taste, smell and hearing stop working, it is the eyes that can save us from danger.  We always hear…
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Top 10 Universities to Study Marketing Degree in Australia

Marketing is a primary field embedded in most companies and brands. If you are looking for a career in a field with diverse and vast learning opportunities, career development possibilities, and room for creativity and growth. You should consider Marketing. What is Marketing? You might be asking, but what is Marketing? Here’s our…
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Study Aerospace Engineering in Australia

You might have heard of the cool word “rocket scientists” when you were a kid. With an aerospace engineering degree you will actually be considered a rocket scientist, making you the person with the coolest job in the room.  Aerospace Engineering degrees pave the way for people interested in building and maintenance of…
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Data Science vs Data Analytics: Which Degree to Study?

Data is a collection of information normally gathered through numbers or observations to be used for the analysis of trends, user behaviours or disease outbreaks. In a corporation or business, data is often gathered for marketing purposes, financial analysis or to make a better decision for the company. In today’s world, as long…
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Mechanical or Mechatronic? Which Degree to Study?

Are you the kind of person who’s constantly curious about how things work, from smart machines to air crafts that float 30,000ft above the ground? Have you ever wanted to invent devices or equipment that could serve great benefits to society? Yes? Then a degree in Mechanical or Mechatronics engineering is perfect as…
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Study Nutrition and Dietetics Degree in Australia

What are the Differences Between a Nutritionist and a Dietician? It is common for people to mistakenly think that dieticians and nutritionists are the same. They are undoubtedly related to one another in terms of promoting healthy well-being to the public, but they are different especially in terms of professional credentials and the…
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Study Animation Degree in Australia

What is Animation? Animation is an art of breathing to life with the help of moving sequences and stories with the use of visual arts on inanimate objects or illustrated characters. It consists of making a sequence of pictures or frames, so arranged in rapid succession—the eyes seeing them nonliving—appear to reproduce motion. …
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