你是否对拯救生命以及为社会付出有着强烈的兴趣?并且可以接受到医院、诊所、实验室、药房甚至是疗养院工作?你正在考虑从事健康科学领域内的职业,但不确定要学习哪门专业?就让我们通过以下这篇文章带你了解更多关于健康科学的领域吧! 什么是健康科学? 健康科学是对所有与健康相关的学科总数的称呼,指的是那些利用工程学、数学、科学和技术的应用为人类和动物提供医疗保健的学科。该领域注重于研究及理解如何让人类和动物改…
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你是否对拯救生命以及为社会付出有着强烈的兴趣?并且可以接受到医院、诊所、实验室、药房甚至是疗养院工作?你正在考虑从事健康科学领域内的职业,但不确定要学习哪门专业?就让我们通过以下这篇文章带你了解更多关于健康科学的领域吧! 什么是健康科学? 健康科学是对所有与健康相关的学科总数的称呼,指的是那些利用工程学、数学、科学和技术的应用为人类和动物提供医疗保健的学科。该领域注重于研究及理解如何让人类和动物改…
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You are excited to enter a university because you cannot wait to learn and have the best time of your life. However, at the same time, you do not want to graduate and end up with an office job. You hate the idea of working from 9 am to 5 pm, sitting in…
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Fun Fact: It was the expatriates that brought physiotherapy into Malaysia and later on, Malaysians were sent under Colombo plan scholarship to service the country. Hence the birth of the Malaysian Physiotherapy Association on 19th January 1963 which was registered on 6th August the same year. But what is physiotherapy? Why did the…
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What is Physiotherapy? Physiotherapy is a field under healthcare that focuses on forms of physical rehabilitation or treatment, aimed to help restore movement and function which are affected by illness, injury, or disability. The field was developed under the means of helping people to reduce the risk of injury or illness through prevention…
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You have a burning passion to save lives and make an impact in society. You feel comfortable and want to work either in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, pharmacies, or even nursing homes. You are considering a career in the Health Science industry one day but uncertain which course to study. Let us dive in…
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Your actions today determine your future tomorrow. Therefore, it is very important for a student to do a lot of research before applying to university. You want to invest in a field that pays the best interest and earn a handsome salary in the future. According to New Straits Times, there are 5…
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