Malaysian University

Forensic Science Degrees in Malaysia 2023

What is Forensic Science? If you are someone who enjoys bingeing on crime investigation series like the famous CSI series and always gets fascinated by how forensic scientists discover new clues that change the whole episode direction, or if you have the natural talent for solving complex puzzles to discover the real truth…
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我可以用我的 SPM 预试结果做什么?

为什么要用SPM预试成绩申请大学? 作为已经完成SPM预试的学生,你可能会想,用你的预试成绩申请大学是否值得,或者你是否应该等待你的SPM最终成绩。但是,听好了–用你的预试成绩申请并没有什么坏处!事实上,这可能会给你带来一些好处!事实上,这可能会给你带来优势。好吧,让我们为你分析一下。 你是否觉得自己在收到SPM成绩后就被申请奖学金和大学的紧迫性冲昏了头脑?你是否一直在思考为什么这么急…
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UK Universities in Malaysia

Why Study at a UK University in Malaysia? Studying at a UK University in Malaysia has become increasingly popular among Malaysian students in recent years as it can provide students with a world-class education that is recognised globally, while also offering the benefits of studying in a multicultural and diverse environment. These branch…
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Study Interior Design in Malaysia 2023

What is Interior Design? Interior design is the study of creating functional and aesthetically pleasing interior spaces. It involves designing and organising interior spaces, selecting and arranging furniture and decor, and choosing colours, textures, and lighting to create an atmosphere that meets the needs and preferences of the client. Interior design covers various…
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什么是新闻系? 如果你对那些为你带来最新新闻的人怀有深深的敬意,或者渴望成为分享最新信息的人,我们可能有适合你的课程–新闻系。新闻系是马来西亚希望在大众传播领域深造的学生中的热门专业之一。 通俗地说,新闻系就是通过不同的媒体渠道,如报纸、社交媒体、广播等,收集、分析和传播信息给更多人的过程。受雇于这一领域的记者,花时间研究和报道当前的事件、趋势和问题,为我们的生活增添价值或可能影响社会…
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什么是精算师? 对于喜欢处理数字和研究数据行为的人来说,精算师可以是一个非常理想的职业。随着人们对这一专业的兴趣越来越大,职业机会也越来越多,有志于此的大学生报名深造,已经成为一种蓬勃发展的趋势。因此,在我们深入了解如何在马来西亚成为一名精算师之前,让我们先了解一下这个职业的情况。 精算师是使用数学和统计技能来评估和减少金融风险的专业人士。精算师一般可以在不同的行业工作,包括保险、银行和投资公司,…
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Public Relations in Malaysia 2023

What is Public Relations? Love sharing ideas and making your ideas come to life with your communication skills? If your answer is yes, we highly recommend you study Mass Communication, particularly in the area of Public Relations (PR).  So before that, what is PR? By book, PR is defined as managing the communication…
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What Can I Do With My Spm Trial Result?

Why should you apply to university with your SPM trial result? As a student who has completed their SPM trial exams, you may wonder if it’s worth it applying to university with your trial results or if you should wait for your final SPM results. But, listen up – there’s no harm in…
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Journalism in Malaysia 2023

What is Journalism? If you have a deep respect for those who bring you the latest news or aspire to be the one to share the updates, we might have the right course for you to embark on – Journalism. Journalism is one of the top majors among students in Malaysia who wish…
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Software Developer vs Software Engineer: Breaking Down Job Roles and Responsibilities

The Rise Of The Software Development Industry What are Software Developers? Software developers are professionals who design, develop, and maintain software applications. They use programming languages and various software development tools to create software that meets the specific needs of businesses or individuals. Software developers work on all stages of the software development…
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