James Cook Univeristy

Study at James Cook University, Australia

The James Cook University, sometimes known as JCU, is a public institution of higher education located in North Queensland, Australia. JCU is an educational and research institution that is the second oldest university in the state of Queensland. One of the primary campuses of the institution may be found in the city-state of…
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Study in Regional Area in Australia

What are Regional Areas in Australia? Dreaming of studying abroad in a vibrant country like Australia but worried about the high living costs in bustling major cities like Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane? Fear not! You’ve come to the right place. We’re here to show you how you can strike a balance between your…
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澳州最低消费学生城市TOP 7排名

许多学生都有到澳州就读大学的梦想,但很多时候这个梦想以及念头都被昂贵的生活费和学费而打消了。但请放心,澳州其实还有一些生活费用较低的城市,以及更容易负担得起的学费,其中也包括一些被视为比较偏远的地区。不仅如此,澳洲政府允许外国学生每两周工作长达 40 小时,最低工资为每小时 19.49 澳元,你可以在学习期间通过打工来减轻经济负担。所以,先不要那么快放弃你的梦想! 以下是澳大利亚前7个最低消费的城…
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Top Universities to Study Immunology in Australia

The world is thrilled with the arrival of vaccines to protect us from the infection of Covid-19, but have you ever wondered who creates these vaccines and also all the other vaccines for various diseases? How are these vaccines created? How can you become a part of this innovation?  If you have thought…
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Study Medicine in Australia (2020)

Why study Medicine in Australia? Australia has been a favourite destination for medical students who wish to study overseas. Australia has a long history of medical breakthroughs such as Penicillin, ultrasound, bionic ear and Cervical Cancer Vaccine and more to help improve the health of all individuals. The Department of Health in Australia…
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Top Universities to study Hospitality Management in Australia 2020

What is Hospitality Management?  Hospitality Management involves overseeing administrative, operational and commercial tasks of many establishments on a daily basis. Establishments such as hotels, resorts, shops, amusement parks and many other business require daily management to ensure it provides satisfactory experiences to its customers and is long lasting. The industry includes a large…
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Top reasons to study in Queensland (2020)

The opportunity to study in Queensland is one of a kind. Queensland is the second largest city in Australia and the nation’s third-largest Economy. It has a rich history spanning over 1000 years. It is situated in the north-east of the country, with a population of over 5,000,000. Brisbane is the capital of…
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