international medical university

Most Versatile Degrees

What do the most versatile degrees mean? Have you ever wondered if the degree qualification you obtain can offer you additional job opportunities beyond your core study area? Well, there’s actually a concept called the “versatile degree” that demonstrates a broad spectrum of applicability, equipping graduates with a diverse skill set and knowledge…
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药剂学 vs 药物科学:到底该怎么选择呢?

你是否拥有想要帮助其他人的愿景?你是否对化学和人体构造有兴趣?你是否在未来想要在药品方面的领域工作?如果都是的话,你来到了对的地方。 但是!!!你是不是无法辨别药剂学和药物科学之间的差别呢?!那么快把以下的内容全部都收藏起来吧!他们会很大程度上帮助你在未来选择对的专业哟! 什么是药剂学? 药剂学是一个学习怎么使用药品的专业。他们会学习如何使用,保存,延长使用时间,和配药。药剂学是一个融合了医学和化…
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你是否想过我们每天所摄取的食物对我们的健康有多大的影响?饮食上一些简单的转变就可以帮助我们预防或控制一些有关健康的问题?你是否也对这类的话题感兴趣?饮食治疗学可能正是你正在寻找的! 饮食治疗学是一门研究机体代谢与食物营养素之间的关系的一门学科。饮食治疗学非常重视公共卫生,宗旨在于教育人们明智的饮食选择;现代饮食治疗学的机体生理营养健康观念逐渐影响和改变着需要健康人们的生活饮食观。 饮食治疗学师的责…
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The 10 Best High-Paying Jobs in The Future

The future potential job demand and salary is one of the criteria that students look for when choosing the course to study. With the rapidly changing technology landscape, the job market is so different from how it was many years ago. When it comes to choosing a career, you should consider the occupations…
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Pharmacy vs. Pharmaceutical Science: Which One to Choose?

Are you fascinated with chemistry and the human body? Do you have an interest in the professional world of specialised drugs and all things pharmaceutical? But you’re unsure of the differences between Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science? Well, keep on reading to find out more about these two interrelated fields. Enquire Now What is…
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Study Public Health Degree in Malaysia

If you are someone who cares about the greater good of human beings pursuing a course in Public Health will be an excellent option for you.  A Master’s in Public Health can be quite rewarding for individuals from various medical fields such as Medical Doctors, Nurses, Health Officers and Pharmacists considering they have…
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Top 10 Private Universities to Study Biotechnology in Malaysia

Fermentation of bread, antibiotics, AND the first genetically modified plant, (just to name a few) are discoveries from the study of Biotechnology. This interdisciplinary knowledge or field has been around for ages, but the term Biotechnology was only coined as such in the year 1919. Often referred to as Biotech, its importance plays…
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