

什么是室内设计? 室内设计是研究如何创造实用和美观的室内空间。它涉及设计和组织室内空间,选择和安排家具和装饰,以及选择颜色、纹理和照明,以创造一个满足客户需求和喜好的氛围。 室内设计涵盖各种主题,包括空间规划、家具设计、色彩理论、照明设计和材料选择。它还涉及到了解设计风格的历史,以及如何将其融入到当代室内装修中。 室内设计师需要具备各个领域的知识,包括建筑、工程和施工,以及心理学和人类行为学,以创…
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什么是马来西亚的预科和文凭课程? 你是一名马来西亚学生,正在思考预科或文凭课程到底是什么?我们已经帮你解决了! 首先,是预科课程。这是一个为期一年的课程,帮助你为大学做好准备。你会学到各种各样的东西,如科学、数学、语言和社会科学。基本上,它就像一个包罗万象的课程,为你今后的学习做准备。你会接触到一些基础知识,如科学预科或艺术预科,然后再继续你的学位,当你完成预科时。如果你还在想参加哪个预科课程,你…
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什么是证书课程? 证书课程作为文凭课程的一种途径;然而,它们明显更加浓缩,并侧重于实践学习,为学生在特定领域找到工作做准备。另一方面,证书课程可以持续12个月到18个月,而且大多数情况下,它们要求考生在高中阶段(SPM或同等学历)获得不超过一个学分。 如果学生获得的学分少于满足文凭或预科课程要求所需的数量,可能会认为他们没有选择继续接受教育的权利。然而,在现实中,他们可以在证书课程中进行学习。 与…
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Study Interior Design in Malaysia 2023

What is Interior Design? Interior design is the study of creating functional and aesthetically pleasing interior spaces. It involves designing and organising interior spaces, selecting and arranging furniture and decor, and choosing colours, textures, and lighting to create an atmosphere that meets the needs and preferences of the client. Interior design covers various…
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Study Certificate in Malaysia After SPM

What is Certificate? Certificate programmes act as a pathway to Diploma programmes; however, they are significantly more condensed and focused on hands-on learning, preparing students to find work in a particular field. Certificate programmes, on the other hand, can last anywhere from 12 months to 18 months, and most of the time they…
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Foundation vs Diploma in Malaysia: Which Path to Take? 

What is a Foundation and Diploma Programme in Malaysia? Are you a Malaysian student pondering what on earth a Foundation or Diploma Programme is? Don’t be afraid of being a FOMO – we’ve got you covered! First up, is the Foundation Programme. This is a one-year course that helps you get ready for…
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Study at Fairview, Malaysia

Fairview International School Fairview International School is a Kuala Lumpur-based institution that was first established as an International Baccalaureate (IB) school. 1978 was the year it started operations. It used to have a campus in Ampang, but it relocated its headquarters to Wangsa Maju in Kuala Lumpur.  It also has campuses in Subang…
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儿童生命的前五年是大脑发育最关键的时期。 孩子进步的这些最初阶段对他们的整个人生都有重大影响。 这就是为什么幼儿教育工作者在培养小孩的大脑方面发挥关键作用的原因。 通过向他们展示学习的乐趣,并协助他们奠定终生成功所需的基础,幼儿教育工作者是儿童学习之旅必须经历的一个阶段。 如果您喜欢在工作中接触小孩,并且有爱心和奉献精神为他们准备未来所需的基本生活技能,那么幼儿教育工作可能就是最适合你的途径! 什…
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Study in TAFE NSW, Australia

In Australia, TAFE stands for Technical and Further Education. These are vocational or certification courses provided by the National Training System of Australia, ranging from certificate to postgraduate level. These vocational education and training (VET) courses are primarily offered by TAFE institutes (public colleges) or private registered training organisations (private colleges). Students often…
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