

什么是证书课程? 证书课程作为文凭课程的一种途径;然而,它们明显更加浓缩,并侧重于实践学习,为学生在特定领域找到工作做准备。另一方面,证书课程可以持续12个月到18个月,而且大多数情况下,它们要求考生在高中阶段(SPM或同等学历)获得不超过一个学分。 如果学生获得的学分少于满足文凭或预科课程要求所需的数量,可能会认为他们没有选择继续接受教育的权利。然而,在现实中,他们可以在证书课程中进行学习。 与…
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Study Certificate in Malaysia After SPM

What is Certificate? Certificate programmes act as a pathway to Diploma programmes; however, they are significantly more condensed and focused on hands-on learning, preparing students to find work in a particular field. Certificate programmes, on the other hand, can last anywhere from 12 months to 18 months, and most of the time they…
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Study in TAFE NSW, Australia

In Australia, TAFE stands for Technical and Further Education. These are vocational or certification courses provided by the National Training System of Australia, ranging from certificate to postgraduate level. These vocational education and training (VET) courses are primarily offered by TAFE institutes (public colleges) or private registered training organisations (private colleges). Students often…
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你是否还在为SPM之后的去向而烦恼?身边的人有的选择继续升学也有人选择直接踏入社会工作。那如果你是前者,且还在为将来的升学之路做打算,这篇文章整理了一些SPM之后的几个去向和一些适合的大学供你参考。 大部分的国内外大学的入学门槛都需要至少12年的教育。根据马来西亚的教学制度,从小学一年级直到中五毕业,大部分的学生们都只受了11年的教育。而这就是为什么SPM毕业的考生们都需要先修一门大学预科课程才能…
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