best medical university in malaysia


你有没有试过花几个小时疯狂地追看《实习医生格蕾》、《好医生》甚至是《实习医生成长记》等节目,并心想如果自己成为一名外科医生会有多么了不起?你认为你有能力在你面前的病床上对一个人体进行手术吗? 在您决定进入医学的世界之前,让我们来为您分析在马来西亚成为一名外科医生所需了解的一切。 外科医师的种类? 一旦您选择成为一名外科医生,下一步就是要了解医学界不同类型的外科医生。所有外科医生都学习解剖学、生理学…
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How To Become A Surgeon in Malaysia

Have you spent hours and hours binge-watching shows like Grey’s Anatomy, The Good Doctor or even Scrubs and thought to yourself how amazing you’d do as a surgeon? Do you think you have what it takes to operate on an open human body on a table in front of you? Let’s break down…
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Top 5 Private Medical Universities in Malaysia

Alongside other countries with top-notch medical education such as the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia, Malaysia is now recognised as home to countless good medical programs with their world’s top medical facilities, not limited to only local students — they have also gained the trust of international students throughout the years. Interested in…
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