Study in the United Kingdom (UK)

About the United Kingdom (UK)

The royals, Big Ben, English tea, are some things that best describes the UK.

Located on the northwestern coast of the European mainland, the UK, formally known as The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, is one of the most developed country in the world. It is one of the top 10 countries with highest Gross domestic product (GDP) with 2,743 Billion USD per October 2019 according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The county applies a constitutional monarchy, which means the UK is ruled by a King or a Queen whose authority is restricted by a constitution. The current leader is Queen Elizabeth II which has reigned since 1952. London is the largest and the capital city for both the UK and England.

The United Kingdom comprises of 4 countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Island which has the capitals of London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, and Belfast. The country consists of approximately 64 million inhabitants. England is the largest state that represents 84% of the total population in the UK.

Why Study in the UK?

  • Highly recognized education with 18 out of 100 top universities in the world
  • A multi-cultural environment with over 450,000 international students
  • Increase work opportunities
  • UK degrees take less time to attain than degrees in other countries.
  • International students are allowed to work for up to 20 hours a week during term time and full-time during holidays. If you are from an EU country, there will be even more flexibility
  • Strong Research Infrastructure with 46% as ‘internationally excellent’ by the Research Excellence Framework (REF).

Education in the UK

In the UK, the education system is divided into four main parts, primary education, secondary education, further education, and higher education. Children in the UK is mandatory to attend primary and secondary education. 

Primary education begins in the UK at age 5 and continues will age 11, comprising key stages one and two under the UK educational system.

  • Stage 1 (Reception, age 5)
    >> Year 1, age 5 to 6
  • Year 2, age 6 to 7 (KS1 National Curriculum Tests – England only)
  • Stage 2 (Junior School or Primary School)
    >> Year 3, age 7 to 8
    >> Year 4, age 8 to 9
    >> Year 5, age 9 to 10
    >> Year 6, age 10 to 11 (Even plus exams in some areas of England, Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Tests)

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